Informujemy, że zapisy na seminaria dyplomowe odbędą się w dniach od 01.09.2023 r. do 10.09.2023 r. Wyboru seminarium należy dokonać przez WIRTUALNĄ UCZELNIĘ, zakładka: WYBORY – Wybór promotora.

Przed dokonaniem wyboru prosimy o zapoznanie się ze szczegółowym opisem tematu poszczególnych  seminariów. Zapisując się, student wybiera konkretny temat. Wybór tematu nie jest ostateczny, będzie go można zmienić później podczas rozmowy z Promotorem.

Studenci, którzy nie dopełnią ww. formalności we wskazanym terminie zostaną przydzieleni do grup seminaryjnychw ramach dostępnych miejsc, przez Zastępcę Kierownika Katedry Języka Angielskiego Panią dr Aleksandrę Oszmiańską-Pagett (aleksandra.pagett@wsjo.pl).

Lista proponowanych dyscyplin i seminariów


Studia stacjonarne:



Językoznawstwo stosowane, translatologia

dr Witosław Awedyk


dr Tomasz Jarymowicz

Kulturoznawstwo, socjolingwistyka

dr Aleksandra Oszmiańska-Pagett

Literaturoznawstwo, kulturoznawstwo

dr Krystian Grądz


dr Aleksander Płaczkowski


dr Jakub Dekier


Studia stacjonarne:



Językoznawstwo stosowane, translatologia

dr Witosław Awedyk


dr Jakub Dekier


dr Aleksander Płaczkowski


Studia niestacjonarne:



Językoznawstwo ogólne i stosowane (metodyka)

dr Marek Derenowski

Językoznawstwo stosowane (metodyka)

dr Witosław Awedyk

Literaturoznawstwo, kulturoznawstwo

dr Katarzyna Bronk-Bacon


dr Krystian Grądz


dr Jakub Dekier


Informujemy, że podczas III roku studiów są Państwo zobowiązani do realizacji seminarium dyplomowego i napisania pracy dyplomowej.

Proponowane dyscypliny seminarium dla poszczególnych filologii na rok akad. 2022/23


Językoznawstwodr Szymon Grzelak


Językoznawstwodr Paweł Kida



prof. dr hab. Jerzy Bańczerowski


dr Anna Sroka-Grądziel



Proponowane dyscypliny seminarium na rok akad. 2023/24

Dyscyplina Promotor

Literatura i kultura

prof. dr hab. Hubert Orłowski


dr Anna Stolarczyk-Gembiak



Informujemy, że podczas III roku studiów są Państwo zobowiązani do realizacji seminarium dyplomowego i napisania pracy dyplomowej.

Proponowane dyscypliny seminarium na rok akad. 2022/23

Studia stacjonarne:

 Dyscyplina Promotor
 Literaturoznawstwo hiszpańskie dr Alicja Bączyk-Otocka

Studia niestacjonarne:

 Dyscyplina Promotor
 Literaturoznawstwo i kulturoznawstwo hiszpańskie dr Antonio M. López González


Studenci studiów stacjonarnych mogą uczęszczać na seminarium dostępne dla studiów niestacjonarnych, pamiętając, iż te zajęcia będą się odbywały w weekendy, w terminach zjazdów III roku. I odwrotnie, studenci studiów niestacjonarnych mogą realizować seminarium na studiach stacjonarnych, pamiętając, iż te zajęcia będą się odbywały w tygodniu, a nie w terminach zjazdów. Takiego zapisu można dokonać tylko drogą mailową. Prosimy o złożenie podania wraz ze zgodą Promotora przyjmującego do grupy.



Zapisy na seminaria dyplomowe odbędą się w dniach od 12.07 do 19.07.2023 r.

Studenci zobowiązani są zapisać się na wybrane seminarium dyplomowe. Można wybrać tylko jedno seminarium. Przed dokonaniem wyboru, proszę zapoznać się ze szczegółowym opisem tematu seminarium. Przy zapisach liczy się kolejność zgłoszeń.


Proponowane dyscypliny seminarium na rok akad. 2023/24

Językoznawstwo norweskiedr Witosław Awedyk
Kultura i historiadr Jordan Siemianowski

Rok akademicki 2021/22

Studia stacjonarne:

Prof. Liliana Sikorska – Literaturoznawstwo – The empire of fiction: literature in English and its (multi)cultural foundations

Studia niestacjonarne:

Dr Krystian Grądz – Literaturoznawstwo – Representations of the American

Dr Marek Derenowski – Metodyka – Relationship between second language acquisition research and foreign language pedagogy

Dr Jacek Olesiejko – Literaturoznawstwo – Re-reading English medieval, medievalist and phantasy literature

Dr Grażyna Korytowska – Metodyka – Challenges of language teaching at different levels of education 

Dr Witosław Awedyk – Translatologia – Audiovisual translation

Dr Aleksandra Oszmiańska-Pagett – Językoznawstwo – Multilingualism and linguistic diversity in Europe: policy and practice


Szczegółowe opisy seminariów

Studia stacjonarne – Literaturoznawstwo




Prof. Liliana Sikorska


The empire of fiction: literature in English and its (multi)cultural foundations

Seminar aims and description

The present seminar concerns topics and genres in literature in English and their multicultural context.  Travel, exploration, adventure as well as bloody conquests epitomize the unlimited drive for power while the history of British Empire is encapsulated in literary and cultural texts as well as films. Beginning with the exploratory and religious voyages suggesting the (Christian) white man’s burden in “uncivilized” lands, we will look at the development of contemporary fiction in English in the United Kingdom and other English speaking countries (excluding the United States and Canada), at the influence of colonization on the indigenous cultures. During the seminar we will analyze the idea of the empire in literatures of the past and of today in connection with theater and film. From the medieval Travels of Sir John Mandeville which presented us with monsters inhabiting the fringes of the universe, we will journey with the South African director Neill Blomkamp to observe more contemporary monsters inhabiting (at least in film and fiction) the fringes of our galaxy but unvaryingly threatening our civilization who symbolize the strangers we are afraid of.  During the seminar we are going to study texts and films that talk about the categories of “near” and “far”, us and them, utopias and dystopias, colonialism and post-colonialism and other concepts that uphold and then deconstruct the fictions of the empire.

Sample bibliography

Bradbury, Malcolm. 1971.  The Social Context of Modern English literature. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.

Featherstone, Simon. 2005. Postcolonial Cultures. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. 

James, Lawrence. 2011 [1994]. The Rise and Fall of the British Empire. London: Abacus.

Loshitzky, Yosefa. 2010. Screening Strangers. Migration and Diaspora in Contemporary European    Cinema. Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press.

Morgan, Kenneth O. 2000. Twentieth Century Britain. A very Short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford       University Press.

Walder, Dennis. 1998. Post-colonial Literatures in English. History, Language, Theory.  London:    Blackwell.  

Studia niestacjonarne – literaturoznawstwo


Literature studies


Dr Krystian Grądz


Kultura Stanach Zjednoczonych, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem mitu Południa, Zachodu i Amerykańskiego Marzenia

Seminar aims and description

This interdisciplinary seminar offers an introduction to major issues in, and influential scholarly debates about, representations of American people in public discourses, and especially in the media (including film and series). We will read a number of both classic and recently published works on topics such as the theory of the gaze, feminism, constructions of race, sexuality and gender. In addition to providing an overview of cultural methodologies, the course will enable students to read and discuss critically and in depth some influential studies in the field, and to examine various methodological, theoretical, and ideological approaches of leading scholars to representations that appear in the media as well as generally conceived public discourses.

The topics of your MA papers might include:

– body in literaturę (abjection, desire)

– minorities (African-American, Asian-American, Latino/a, queer, etc. also science-fiction and fantasy)

– death in film / literature

Studia niestacjonarne – metodyka




Dr Marek Derenowski


Relationship between second language acquisition research and foreign language pedagogy

Seminar aims and description

The seminar will focus on the investigation of the relationship between second language acquisition research and foreign language pedagogy. In will aim at providing an overview of the most recent research findings, especially learning strategies and learner autonomy, different age groups and their implications for language learning and language teaching, introducing language skills, task-based instruction and spell out how the insights provided by research of this kind can best be utilized in improving classroom practice. Theoretical data presented during the seminar meeting will be anchored in the practical classroom context. During the meetings the students will also be familiarized with main issues concerning research methodology within the field of SLA (research traditions in SLA, qualitative vs. quantitative research methods, instruments of data collection and analysis, etc.). The seminar will also aim at developing necessary skills to conduct a successful research project in the field of SLA, placing particular emphasis on the:

Ø  choice of the topic,

Ø  the selection and critical analysis of the relevant literature,

Ø  research planning and implementation,

Ø  qualitative and quantitative analysis of the collected data,

Ø  drawing appropriate conclusions as well as the ability to report on the results of a research project in accordance with formal requirements.

The essential aim of the seminar is of course preparing the students for writing M.A. paper in the field of applied linguistics.

Sample bibliography

Allwright, R. L. and Bailey, K. M. 1991. Focus on the Language Classroom. Cambridge: CUP.

Arends. R. 1998. Uczymy się Nauczać. WSiP.

Brown, H. D. 1997. Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall.

Brown, H. D. 1997. Teaching by Principles. An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy.

Carter, R. and Nunan, D. (eds). 2002. Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. Cambridge: CUP.

Celce-Murcia, M. (ed.). 2001. Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language. London: Heinle and Heinle.

Chaudron, C. 1988. Second Language Classrooms: Research on Teaching and Learning. Cambridge: CUP.

Dakowska, M. 2005. Teaching English as a Foreign Language. Warszawa: PWN.

Day, R. (ed.). 1986. Talking to Learn: Conversation in Second Language Acquisition. Rowley, Mass.: Newbury House.

Ellis, R. 1994. The Study of Second Language Acquisition. Oxford: OUP.

Harmer. J. 1999. How to Teach English. Longman.

Harmer J. 2002. The Practice of ELT. Longman.

Johnson, K. 2001. An Introduction to Foreign Language Learning and Teaching. Harlow: Pearson Education.

Komorowska, H. 1999. Metodyka Nauczania Języków Obcych. Warszawa: Warszawa: WSiP.

Mackey A. and Gass Susan. 2005. Second Language Research: Methodology and Design New Jersey.

Nunan, D. 1992. Research Methods in Language Learning. New York. CUP

Nunan, D. and Lamb, C. 1996. The Self-Directed Teacher. Managing the Learning Process. Cambridge: CUP.

Richards, J.C. and Lockhart, C. 1994. Reflective Teaching in Second Language Classrooms. New York: CUP.

Seliger , H. and  Long, M. (eds). 1983. Classroom Oriented Research in Second Language Acquisition. Rowley, Mass.: Newbury House.

Stern, H. 1993. Issues and Options in Language Teaching. New York: OUP.

Ur, P. 1996. A Course in Language Teaching. Cambridge: CUP.

Zawadzka, Elżbieta. Nauczyciele Języków obcych w dobie przemian. 2004. Kraków: Oficyna Wydawnicza Impuls.

Studia niestacjonarne – translatologia


Translation Studies


Dr Witosław Awedyk


Audiovisual translation

Seminar aims and description

Tematyka seminarium dotyczyć będzie zagadnień z dziedziny teorii tłumaczeń ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem tłumaczenia audiowizualnego. W trakcie zajęć omówiona zostanie specyfika tego typu tłumaczenia wraz z zaletami i wadami podstawowych typów tłumaczeń audiowizualnych: dubbing, subtitling, voice-over. Oprócz założeń teoretycznych  poruszone zostaną kwestie związane z analizą wybranych technik stosowanych przez tłumaczy audiowizualnych wraz z wynikami najciekawszych projektów badawczych, które mogą posłużyć jako źródło inspiracji do własnych badań empirycznych na potrzeby pisania pracy magisterskiej.

Sample bibliography

Badstübner-Kizik, Camilla (2012) “Languages, Stereotypes and Films. European Film Policy and Perception of ‘Others’ ”. In: ACTA GERMANICA. German Studies in Africa.

Yearbook of the Association for German Studies in Africa 40 (2012), pp. 134-142.

Baker, Mona (ed)(1998) Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies. London: Routlege.

Bassnett, Susan and Andre Lefevere (1998) Constructing Cultures, Essays on Literary Translation. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.

Bogucki, Łukasz (2004) “The Constraint of Relevance in Subtitling”. In: Journal of Specialised Translation 1, pp. 69–85.

Bogucki, Łukasz (2010) “The demise of voice-over? Audiovisual translation in Poland in the 21st century. In: Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk and Marcel Thelen (eds.) Meaning in translation, pp. 415-424.

Chaume Varela, Frederic (2004) “Film Studies and Translation Studies: Two

Disciplines at Stake in Audiovisual Translation.”. In: Meta 49 (1), pp. 12-24.

Chmiel, Agnieszka (2015) “Teaching Voiceover in a Voiceover Land”. In: Anna Jankowska and Agnieszka Szarkowska (eds) New Points of View on Audiovisual Translation and Media Accessibility. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, pp. 129-148.

Gambier, Yves (1996) “ La traduction audiovisuelle: un genre nouveau?”, in : Y. Gambier, (ed) Les transferts linguistiques dans les médias audiovisuals. Paris : Presses Universitaires du Septentrion.

Garcarz, Michał (2007). Przekład slangu w filmie. Kraków: Tertium.

Gottlieb, Henrik (1992) “Subtitling – a new university discipline”, in: C. Dollerup et al (eds) Teaching Translation and Interpreting. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 161- 170.

Gottlieb, Henrik (1998) “Subtitling”. In: Mona Baker (ed) (1998) Routledge

Encyclopedia of Translation Studies. London: Routlege, pp. 244 – 248.

Gottlieb, Henrik (2001) Screen Translation. Six studies in subtitling, dubbing and voice-over Copenhagen: Kopi Service.

Krogstad, Morten (1998) “Subtitling for cinema and video/television”, in: Y.Gambier (ed) Translating for the media, Turku: University of Turku – Centre for Translation and Interpreting.

Lomheim, Sylfest (1999) “ The Writing on the Screen Subtitling: A Case Study from Norwegian Broadcasting (NRK)”, in: G. Anderman & M. Rogers (eds.) Word, Textranslation . Clevedon: Multilingual Matters Ltd, pp.190-199

Media Consulting Group (2007) Study on Dubbing and Subtitling Needs and Practices in the European Audiovisual Industry. Final Report. In association with Peacefulfish. Paris and London.


x_en.htm. (last access 20 December 2013).

Pedersen, Jan (2007) A Comparative Study of Subtitling Norms in Sweden and

Denmark with a Focus on Extralinguistic Cultural reference. Stockholm: University of Stockholm.

Pedersen, Jan (2011) Subtitling Norms for Television. An exploration focussing on extralinguistic cultural references. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.

Szarkowska, Agnieszka (2008) “Przekład audiowizualny w Polsce – perspektywy i wyzwania” In: Przekładaniec 20, pp. 8-25

Szarkowska Agnieszka and Monika Laskowska (2015) “Poland – a voice-over

country no more? A report on an online survey on subtitling preferences among

Polish hearing and hearing-impaired viewers”. In: Łukasz Bogucki and M. Deckert (eds) Accessing audiovisual translation. Bern, Switzerland: Peter Lang, pp. 179–197

Tomaszkiewicz, Teresa (2006) Przekład audiowizualny. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN.

Tveit, Jan Emil (2004) Translating for Television. A Handbook in Screen

Translation.Bergen: JK Publishing.

Studia niestacjonarne – literaturoznawstwo




Dr Jacek Olesiejko


Re-reading English medieval, medievalist and phantasy literature

Seminar aims and description

The present seminar concentrates on the representations of the supernatural and the monstrous in English literature. It will focus on three areas of English literary history. The first group of texts that will be discussed in the seminar are medieval texts that represent the Old English (600-1100 A.D.) and Middle English period (1100-1500 A.D.) periods. The second group of texts represents the so-called medievalism, namely, the representations of the Middle Ages in literature written after the Middle Ages. This group of texts includes such authors as J.R.R. Tolkien and L.C Lewis as well as such texts as The Buried Giant by Kazuo Ishiguro. The third group of texts, phantasy literature, represents a wide spectrum of fiction that share themes and motifs with medieval and medievalist literature.

These texts will be discussed in light of the most recent developments in literary theories. Our discussions will be informed by gender studies and feminism as well as cultural studies and anthropology. Students who will participate in the seminar are going to complete an M.A. dissertation that will be related to medieval, medievalist or phantasy literature discussed in the seminar. Other topics related to English literature, however, will also be welcome.

The topics of your MA thesis might include:

Women in medieval verse romance

Women in Arthurian legend

The knights of the Round Table in English medieval literature

Representations of animals and of the natural world in medieval English literature

Sample bibliography

Butler, Judith. 1993. Bodies that matter: On the discursive limits of

‘sex’”. New and London: Routledge.

Cohen, Jeffrey Jerome. 1996. Monster theory: Reading culture.

Minneapolis and London: University of Minnesota Press.

Hogle, Jerrold E. (ed.). 2002. The Cambridge companion to Gothic

fiction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Kristeva, Julia. 1982. Powers of Horror: An essay on abjection. New

York: Columbia University Press.

Lane, Richard J., Rod Mengham and Philip Tew (eds.). Contemporary

British fiction. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2003.

Morrison, Jago. Contemporary fiction. New York: Routledge, 2003.

Orchard, Andy. 1995. Pride and prodigies. Studies in the monsters of the

Beowulf-manuscript. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Overing, Gillian R. 1990.Language, Sign, and Gender in Beowulf.

Carbondale and Edwardsville: Southern Illinois University


Pearsall, Derek. Arthurian Romance: A Short Introduction. Malden:

Blackwell Publishing, 2003.

Tucker, Herbert (ed.). A New Companion to Victorian literature and

culture. Malden: Wiley Blackwell, 2014.

Studia niestacjonarne – metodyka




Dr Grażyna Korytowska


Challenges of language teaching at different levels of education

Seminar aims and description

The seminar will provide its participants with insights into the

challenging possibilities within the area of teaching the English

language at primary, secondary and tertiary levels of education.

The perspectives include Multisensory Language Teaching,

Language for Specific Purposes, Content Based Language Teaching, , developing Intercultural Skills, applying elements of Neurolinguistic

Programming in language teaching, etc. The students will learn

how to prepare and write their MA papers in the area of applied


Sample bibliography

Blundell, Jon, Higgens, Jonathan, Middlemiss, Nigel. 1997. Function in English. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Brown, H. Douglas.1994. Teaching by Principles – an interactive

approach to language pedagogy. London: Prentice Hall Regents.

Brumfit, Christopher 2001 Individual Freedom in Language

Teaching Oxford OUP.

DeKeyser Robert 2007 Practice in a Second Language Cambridge:


Dryden, Gordon & Vos, Jeannette 2000 Rewolucja w uczeniu

Poznań: Wydawnictwo Moderski i S-ka.

Ellis , Rod 2000 Second Language Acquisition Oxford: OUP.

Ellis Mark and Johnson Christine 1994 Teaching Business English

Oxford: OUP.

Fontana David 1995 Psychologia dla nauczycieli Poznań Zysk i Ska.

Harmer Jeremy 1989 Teaching and Learning Grammar Longman.

Lightbown, Patsy and Spada Nina 2006 How Languages are

Learned Oxford: OUP.

Long Michael (ed.) 2006 Second Language Needs Analysis

Cambridge: CUP.

McCarthy Michael 2001 Issues in Applied Linguistics Cambridge:


O’Malley J Michael and Anna Uhl Chamot 1990 Learning Strategies

in Second Language Acquisition Cambridge: CUP.

Pociecha, Sherill Howard. 1995. The English Advisor or How to use

English for Communication in the Real World. Wrocław:

Dolnośląskie Wydawnictwo Edukacyjne.

Revell Jane and Susan Norman 1999 In Your Hands: NLP in ELT

London: Safire Press.

Saville-Troike Muriel. 2006. Introducing Second Language

Acquisition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Stern, Henry. 1992. Issues and Options in Language Teaching.

Oxford: OUP.

Ur, Penny 2006 Grammar Practice Activities Cambridge: CUP.

Ur, Penny 2000 A Course in Language Teaching Cambridge: CUP.

Wallace Michael J 1998 Action Research for Language Teachers

Cambridge: CUP.

Wright Tony 1991 Roles of Teachers and Learners Oxford: OUP.

Studia niestacjonarne – językoznawstwo


Cultural studies


Dr Aleksandra Oszmiańska-Pagett


Multilingualism and linguistic diversity in Europe: policy and practice.

Seminar aims and description

I. Language policy in Europe:

Institution level:

– Resolutions and documents (the EU and the Council of Europe)

– Particular Member States or autonomous regions and their language policies vs. the EU, especially: the UK, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Poland

– Theory against facts (foreign language education in Polish schools, kindergartens, universities)

– ‘Languages mean business’: promoting language management for European small and medium-size enterprises

– Plurilingual and intercultural education: ideals and practice (Council of Europe guidelines for plurilingual education vs. practice)

Individual level:

– attitudes towards the European multilingualism policy

– EU citizens’ attitudes towards foreign language learning

– Teachers’ attitudes towards plurilingual education

II. European linguistic culture and identity vs. multilingualism

EU / Member State level:

– EU linguistic culture:

the EU tradition of national/ethnic languages: the development of the standard language, national or ethnic language as a symbol, the long history of a linguistic diversity in Europe

– EU linguistic culture vs. multilingual policy of the EU

– EU linguistic culture vs. urban multilingualism in the EU: problems with growing multilingual and multicultural character of European cities

– EU multilingualism policy vs. language policies of Member States

Individual level:

– Attitudes towards multilingualism

– Emigration vs. linguistic identity

– Personal development and job prospects vs. language competence

III. Regional and  minority languages in Europe:

Especially the UK (Scotland, Ireland, Wales), the Republic of Ireland, Poland

Minority languages in the EU:

Language/linguistic rights as human rights:

Sample bibliography

Breidbach, Stephan

2003                Plurilingualism, democratic citizenship in Europe and the role of English. Strasbourg: Council of Europe, Language Policy Division, DG IV.


Crystal, David

2004                “After the revolution”, in: Crystal, D. The language revolution. Cambridge: Polity Press, 92-122. [PHOTOCOPY: Available from my file at the WSJO Library]

Council of Europe guidelines for plurilingual education


Doye, Peter

2005                Intercomprehension. Strasbourg: Council of Europe, Language Policy Division, DG IV.


Europeans and their Languages summary report 2006


Europeans and their Languages full report 2006


European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages


Ricento, Thomas (ed.)

2006                An Introduction to Language Policy: Theory and Method. Oxford: Blackwell.

Shiffman, Harold, F.

Language policy and linguistic culture.


published in: Ricento, Thomas (ed.) 2006. An Introduction to Language Policy: Theory and Method. Oxford: Blackwell, 111-125.

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